Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán
Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca
Archaeological Sites in Chiapas
Arqueología Campeche
Northern Mexico
Central Mexico
Central Mexico
Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán
Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca
Arqueología Chihuahua
Arqueología Campeche
Northern Mexico
Central Mexico
Considered as a fortress city and ceremonial center.
Its first settlers came from the Huasteca and the Gulf Coast.
This city-fortress was erected and inhabited around 600 A.D. and abandoned approximately between 900 and 1,000 A.D. In the 16th century it was occupied by the Chichimecas until the Spanish colonization. It was one of the most important settlements in the area.
Éste es el sitio que tuvo más relevancia en Sierra Gorda en cuanto a la explotación minera, especialmente del cinabrio, mineral muy apreciado en Mesoamérica.
Must see Buildings
The site has three sections: the first has three ball games aligned on a central axis, including ceremonial structures in a circular shape.
In the second section the most important pyramidal building has the entrance oriented to the East.
In the third section there is a courtyard surrounded by five pyramidal structures.
The site offers an extraordinary panoramic view of the Sierra Gorda landscape.
It is located 3 km from San Joaquín and 154 km northwest of the city of Querétaro.
Monday to Sunday from 9:00 to 18:00 hrs.