
Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán

Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca

Archaeological Sites in Chiapas

Arqueología Campeche

Northern Mexico

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Central Mexico

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Central Mexico

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Southern Mexico

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Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán

Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca

Arqueología Chihuahua

Arqueología Campeche

Northern Mexico

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Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable
Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Cholula was a very important city during the pre-Hispanica times.

The space currently occupied by the archeological site is just a small part of what was once the city, as important as Teotihuacan or Monte Alban.

Cholula has its heyday during the Postclassic period and at the time of the arrival of Hernán Cortés was the second most important city, just behind Tenochtitlán.

Must see Buildings

The Great Pyramid called Tiachihualtepetl ("handmade hill") is the largest prehispanic structure in the world in terms of volume, it covered an area of more than 1,300 feet on each side and it was 213 feet height without counting the height of the temple at the top.

The pyramid was built for the god Chicomenaquihuitl (nine rains) and it was covered with a thick coat of stucco painted with bright colors and decorated with symbolic designs.

In the top there were as many as seven temples, each one with its own plinths, stairs and corridors. Today there are some remains of the façade of one these buildings and it is decorated with a very well preserve painting representing a ritual ceremony and it is known as the “Mural of the drinkers”.

On each side of the great pyramid, there were open spaces bordered by elegantly decorated buildings. The one in the southern plaza is known as the “courtyard of altars”, considered one of the most spectacular places, where buildings, altars and stelae are engraved, similar to those of El Tajín, all distributed in great harmony.

You can visit about 8 km of tunnels that allow the observation of the different phases of construction.


Cholula Site Museum

The museum is housed in a modern building and shows many of the pieces that have been found on the site, as well as recreations of its murals and a model of the great pyramid.


It is located within the urban area of Cholula 10 km from the city of Puebla.


Monday to Sunday, from 10:00 am to 17:00 hrs.

