
Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán

Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca

Archaeological Sites in Chiapas

Arqueología Campeche

Northern Mexico

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Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán

Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca

Arqueología Chihuahua

Arqueología Campeche

Northern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable
Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Kohunlich was populated continually from approximately 500 B.C to 1100 A.D.

Most structures were built in the Early Classic period between 250 A.D. and 600 A.D.

Must see Buildings

The archeological site is an enormous settlement made up of a series of architectural complexes of a ceremonial and residential nature, and there are a lot of other structures to explore.

This large and quiet Mayan city sits on a jungle-backed grassy area where you can enjoy the shade of the large trees and the fascinating noise of the howler monkeys.

The most important structure is the Temple of the Masks, a pyramid-like structure with a central staircase flanked by 8 ft. height stucco masks, originally painted red, represented real characters dressed with solar attributes.

Some of the features in these masks like the thick lips are reminiscent of Olmec sculptures. Of the eight original masks, only five remain relatively intact and today they are protected with large thatch coverigs.

The 27 Escalones (27 Steps ) is a large platform with the remains of an extensive residential area for the elite. From the top there is a unique panoramic view of the jungle.

The site also has a ball court administrative buildings and palaces distribuited in eight different groups. But an amaze feature is the hydraulic engineering used at Kohunlich, 90,000 of the site’s 210,000 sq meters were cut to channel rainwater into Kohunlich’s once enormous reservoir.



It is located about 70 km west of Chetumal.


Monday to Sunday from 8:00 to 17:00 hrs.

