Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán
Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca
Archaeological Sites in Chiapas
Arqueología Campeche
Northern Mexico
Central Mexico
Central Mexico
Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán
Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca
Arqueología Chihuahua
Arqueología Campeche
Northern Mexico
Central Mexico
Cultural Heritage registered in 1996 on the World Heritage List by UNESCO.
Kabah, which in Maya means "Lord of the strong or powerful hand", is a place where the splendor of the Mayan past of Puuc is breathed.
According to recent research, the area was inhabited around the year 400 B.C. and reached its peak between 750 and 900 A.D, growing to a radius of about one and a quarter miles.
The governing dynasty of Kabah abandoned the site at some point around the year 950 although some people stayed in the site for another 200 years.

Must see Buildings
The ruins extend either side of the main highway although only a few of the buildings are open to the public, there are many more to be explore. The archaeological zone is characterized by its strategic location and the quality of the carved stones that embellish its constructions.
Palacio de los Mascarones (Palace of the Masks)
On entering, there is a small housing complex with a central temple. Heading right is the most famous structure at Kabah, The Palacio de los Mascarones (Palace of the Masks) this stands on a low platform and is also known as Codz Pop (Rolled Mat) because of the curled-up noses in the masks.
The building facade is an amazing sight, covered in nearly 300 masks of Chaac, the rain god; this massive repetition of a single set of elements is unusual in Maya art, the detail and labor put into each piece is astounding. Just in front is the Altar de los Glifos (Altar of the Glyphs) surrounded by many stones carved with glyphs.
The temple is 46 m (151 feet) long and contains 10 chambers arranged in two tiers of five built one behind the other. On the east façade are two well-preserved life size stone sculptured figures known as atlantes (male figure used as a supporting column), one is headless and the other wears a jaguar mask atop his head.
El Palacio (Palace)
Descending the steps near the atlantes is the Palacio (Palace), this is a very well preserved building, its façade has several doorways and the groups of decorative columns on the upper part with a capitol shaped like a pedestal. Not very far, is another pyramid decorated with masks very similar to the ones find in the Codz Pop.
Gran Pirámide (Great Pyramid)
Across the higwway, is the Gran Pirámide (Great Pyramid), a high moud of stones rested on a large elliptical base with a monumental staircase. Few meters ahead is a large restored monumental arch.
It’s said that the sacbé (cobbled and elevated road made of rough limestone) leading from here goes all the way to Uxmal (18 km), terminating at a smaller arc. The connection between the two sites indicating its importance, Kabah turned into the second city in importance next to Uxmal. The sacbé in the other direction went to Labná.
Other Buildings
The site also has a number of other palaces, low stone buildings, and step-pyramid temples and contains many sculpted panels, mostly depicting the site's rulers and scenes of warfare.
Federal Highway 261 Uman - Hopechen Km 16, 23 km from Uxmal. It is located 105 km, approximately one hour and 20 minutes south of Mérida.
Monday to Sunday from 8:00 to 17:00 hrs.