Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán
Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca
Archaeological Sites in Chiapas
Arqueología Campeche
Northern Mexico
Central Mexico
Central Mexico
Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán
Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca
Arqueología Chihuahua
Arqueología Campeche
Northern Mexico
Central Mexico
Cerro de la Máscara is located west to Ocolome.
Human burial was found with some offerings including bracelets and a number of rock engravings.
These rock engravings were probably related to some mighty river worship rituals.
The Ocolome rock engravings are scattered along the river's terrace; in one rock the engravings resemble anthropomorphic figures, others have circular lines with geometric figures (of Toltec origin) similar to those of Utah in the United States.
It seems that this area was occupied for a long period of time by the ancestors of the current Yoreme, probably the Tehueco or Sinaloa groups that occupied this region at least two thousand years before the Spanish arrived. The scholars place the occupation of this site between 200 d. C. and 1,400 A.D.
Petroglyphs of Ocolome
They are located after Tehueco, one hour from El Fuerte, on the other side of the Fuerte River.