Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán
Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca
Archaeological Sites in Chiapas
Arqueología Campeche
Northern Mexico
Central Mexico
Central Mexico
Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán
Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca
Arqueología Chihuahua
Arqueología Campeche
Northern Mexico
Central Mexico
It was a major river port and natural route between Petén and the Campeche coast.
It has been said that this site, due to its length and number of structures, could be the ancient city of "Itzamkanac", the ancient capital of Acalan.
The period of occupation in El Tigre ranges from the Middle Preclassic (600-300 B.C.), until after the arrival of the Spanish in 1557. This settlement was an important commercial center.
Must see Buildings
The site consists of six architectural groups and extends over a hill to the left margin of the Candelaria river, covering an approximate surface of 5 square kilometers.
The ceremonial center has four large structures and six of smaller dimensions, two plazas, 13 altars and three flat stelae. It has a large number of masks, so far eleven have been discovered, but it is believed that there are some other in the áreas that have not been explore.
Other important buildings are the structures I, II III and IV, as well as three ball courts.
This was the place where Hernán Cortés executed Cuauhtémoc, the last Aztec emperor.
Itzamkanac o El Tigre
Monday to Sunday from 8:00 to 17:00 hrs.