
Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán

Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca

Archaeological Sites in Chiapas

Arqueología Campeche

Northern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán

Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca

Arqueología Chihuahua

Arqueología Campeche

Northern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable
Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

A cave with colorful cave paintings that are more than 3 thousand years old.

The rock art at Cataviña is a popular spot that you can’t miss.

The painted cave of Cataviña is a kind of tunnel about 3 meters long under a colossal hanging rock. In the hemispherical roof you can see dozens of geometric designs including squares, triangles and striped rectangles, as well as suns and concentric circles. The rock art at Cataviña is a popular spot that you can’t miss.

All these drawings in black, (which is obtained from manganese), ocher (which is obtained from iron oxide or hematite), white (which is obtained from limestone) and some yellow and orange. The ancient paintings are rich in artistry and metaphorical significance.

The paintings are comparable with European paintings for their technique, beauty and color, and it is estimated that they are more than 3,000 years old.

This place is excellent for mountain biking, hiking and also for camping.

Cataviña Cave Paintings


It is located in the rocky part of the central desert, 182 km south of San Quintín on Federal Highway No.1 in the town of Cataviña or Santa Inés. The trail is well marked you just have to follow the yellow arrows.

