
Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán

Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca

Archaeological Sites in Chiapas

Arqueología Campeche

Northern Mexico

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Central Mexico

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Central Mexico

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Southern Mexico

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Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán

Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca

Arqueología Chihuahua

Arqueología Campeche

Northern Mexico

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Central Mexico

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Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

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Cultural Heritage registered in 1987 on the World Heritage List by UNESCO.Cultural Heritage registered in 1987 on the World Heritage List by UNESCO

This site is surrounded by a splendid setting of evergreen high forests. The National Park in which the archaeological site is located is a jungle of exuberant vegetation where you can enjoy nature in an area of more than 1,772 ha, home to hundreds of species of birds and mammals such as jaguars and howler monkeys.

It is distinguished by its beautiful sculptural art made by the Mayan culture from the Early Classic to the Late Classic (615-800 A.D.).

It is one of the most outstanding sites of the Maya area, known for its exceptional elegance and craftsmanship of the buildings, as well as the lightness of the sculpted reliefs with their Mayan mythological themes. Palenque has been the object of interest of numerous travelers, explorers and researchers since the 18th century.


Must see Buildings

Palenque was, along with Tikal and Calakmul, one of the most powerful Classic Mayan cities and many of its buildings are very well preserved. Hundreds of ruined buildings (1,400 documented structures) are spread over 15 sq km, but only a fairly compact central area has been excavated (less than 10% of the city). Among the most important buildings in the site are:

El Palacio (Palace)

With a great variety of elements such as: stepped bases, stairways, courtyards, corridors, underground galleries, passageways, windows, openings, lintels, drains, hieroglyphic writing boards, sculptural boards and extensive stucco decorations in which traces of polychromy are still preserved. con una gran variedad de elementos como: basamentos escalonados, escalinatas, patios, corredores, galerías subterráneas, pasadizos, ventanas, vanos, dinteles, drenajes, tableros con escritura jeroglífica, tableros escultóricos y amplias decoraciones en estuco en las cuales aún se conservan restos de policromía.

Templo de las Inscripciones (Temple of the Inscriptions)

Es un templo Its name is due to three large boards with hieroglyphic inscriptions, and is the most significant structure on the site. This building is a record of almost 200 years of city’s history and is also the Pakal’s tomb, one of the most significant ruler of the city.s la estructura más importante del sitio.

The burial chamber was found in the depths of the building and an ornately carved stone slab sealed his tomb, representing a synthesis of the Mayan cosmovisión.

Grupo de la Cruz (Cross Group)

It is formed by three temples, the Temple of the Cross, Temple of the Sun, and Temple of the Foliated Cross, located on platforms with elaborate carvings and interior chambers representing important parts of history of Palenque. cada uno de los templos cuanta con elaborados relieves en su interior representan uno de los elementos importantes de la mitología maya, el árbol de la creación que se encuentra en el centro del mundo.

Templo del Sol (Temple of the Sun)

It has a, 4 meter hight, very well preserved crest and in the interior there is a carved panel representing the sun.

Templo de la Calavera y el Templo de la Reina Roja (Temple of the Skull and the Temple of the Red Queen)

Located near the Temple of the Inscriptions, laid over a wide platform. The later contained the Tomb of the Red Queen, named this way because the remains in the sarcophagus were completely covered with a bright red powder.

Templo del Jaguar (Temple of the Jaguar)

It is named for thee elaborate bas-relief carving of a king seated on a throne in the form of a jaguar.

Templo del Conde (Temple of the Count)

It is another elegant construction and at the top there is a small temple. Here several tombs and offerings were found almost intact.

Grupo Norte (North Group)

It has five aligned buildings over the same base. The most notorious is the Temple XIX with a throne decorated with two carved panels.

Other important structures

Among other important structures are: the Temple of the Lion, the ball game and the aqueduct that is located below the main square and is a vaulted structure approximately three meters high that ends in the Otulum river. Templo del León, el juego de pelota y el acueducto que se localiza por debajo de la plaza principal y es una estructura abovedada de aproximadamente tres metros de altura que termina en el río Otulum.

Palenque Site Museum

There is a Site Museum with a collection of objects found on the site, including those found in King Pakal's tomb, one of the most remarkable discoveries for the quantity and quality of the objects. In some of his pieces you can see the skill of the Mayan people as sculptors and goldsmiths.


It is located 8 km from the city of Palenque on Highway 199.


Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 to 17:00 hrs.

