Monte Alban1
Monte Alban1

Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán

Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca

Archaeological Sites in Chiapas

Arqueología Campeche

Northern Mexico

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Central Mexico

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Central Mexico

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Southern Mexico

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Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán

Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca

Arqueología Chihuahua

Arqueología Campeche

Northern Mexico

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Central Mexico

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Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

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Cultural Heritage registered in 1987 on the World Heritage List by UNESCO.Cultural Heritage registered in 1987 on the World Heritage List by UNESCO

It is one of the most important ceremonial centers in Oaxaca, it was occupied by Olmec, Zapotec and Mixtec cultures for more than 1,500 years.


It was founded approximately 500 years B.C. by people from villages in the Oaxaca Valley and flourished around 750 A.D. Monte Albán had political, economic and ideological control over other communities in the region.


This former Zapotec capital was subsequently occupied by the Mixtecs until before the arrival of the Spaniards.


At its peak, Monte Albán occupied an area of 40 square kilometers and had an approximate population of 40,000 inhabitants. The vestiges of this great civilization extend over an immense esplanade.


Monte Albán represents a unique architectural achievement, similar to that of Machu Picchu in Peru and was for more than a millennium one of the most important cities in Mesoamerica.

Archaeological Zone of Monte Albán

Must see Buildings

Among the most important structures are: 

Juego de Pelota (Ball Court)

Delimited by two structures on the sides of a rectangular base, with a very steep slope. tiene la peculiaridad de tener muy inclinado el talud de sus muros.

Sistema II (System II)

It is a two-body structure with a staircase. At the top there is a small temple. Los Danzantes, building with slope walls covered with gravestones carved with the representations of human figures in very strange positions and with physical features characteristic of Olmec sculptures. Building "J”, is undoubtedly one of the most interesting due to its orientation and shape. It resembles an arrowhead. It is believed that the anterior chamber was used for astronomical observations.

El Palacio (Palace)

With a central staircase and thirteen rooms around a central patio, it was occupied by the noble or priestly class. System IV is a ceremonial complex composed of a temple, a patio and a shrine with characteristics similar to those found in Teotihuacán. Next to this System is Stela 18, which at 5.80 meters high is the highest in Monte Albán and is also one of the oldest; It represents the phenomenon of the summer and winter solstice.

Central Buildings “G”, “H” and “I”

The buildings are located in the central part of the great square. The central building "H" is the largest with a large staircase, two tombs and the temple at the top. In front of the main staircase there is a small quadrangular base temple, in which the famous mask of the Bat God made in jade was found. The Palace, is a structure composed of two bodies.

South Platform

It is a very large structure that closes the square on that side. In the upper part there are two mounds. In its lower part several stelae with reliefs are embedded. System 7 Deer, are four structures around a square oriented towards the four cardinal points.

Tomb No. 7

The tomb was discovered by Dr. Alfonso Caso, is one of the most famous feature of this site. In this burial a large number of offerings were found and is considered as an archaeological treasure. Currently, these offerings are displayed in the Regional Museum of Oaxaca.

Monte Albán Site Museum

It has an important Site Museum with an area of 1,200 m2 with a collection of 650 archaeological pieces, like stone engravings, utensils and ceramic figurines. In addition, the museum has a room that talks about the discovery and exploration of the site.


It is located west to the City of Oaxaca, 10 kilometers along the road s/n Oaxaca - Monte Albán.


Monday to Sunday from 8:00 to 17:00 hrs.

