
Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán

Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca

Archaeological Sites in Chiapas

Arqueología Campeche

Northern Mexico

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Central Mexico

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Central Mexico

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Southern Mexico

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Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán

Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca

Arqueología Chihuahua

Arqueología Campeche

Northern Mexico

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Central Mexico

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Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

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Cultural Heritage registered in 1999 on the World Heritage List by UNESCO.

Considered the most important city-fortress in Mesoamerica. Its name means " In the place of the house of flowers" and is located on a group of low hills. After the fall of Teotihuacan, Xochicalco was one of the main leaders in the central highlands.

Due to its strategic and geographical location, it had a key role trading all kind of items from different areas like the Pacific coast, as well as from the Balsas river basin and the central valleys.

Its origin dates back to 650 A.D and its development in the period of 700 and 900 A.D. This site was an importat political, scientific and artistic center.

The Xochicalcas took advantage of the Xochicalco Hill and with their engineering skills constructed five levels of terraces artificially leveling the terrain; beside they also had an advanced system for capturing and releasing rainwater.

In addition, it is speculated that it must have had a community of artists from various parts of Mesoamerica due to the extraordinary works reflected in the buildings.

Xochicalco is the Mesoamerican city with the highest density of buildings per square meter.

The site had extensive housing complexes built on the slopes, and with high platforms of a pyramidal structure in the highest areas.


Must see Buildings

The most important structures in the site are:

Plaza de la Estela de los Dos Glifos (Plaza of the Stele of the Two Glyps)

It is surrounded with residential structures and the southern ball court, the largest in Xochicalco. The ball court is connected with the rest of the site with a wide causeway lined by a series of 21 calendar altars with the months of the ceremonial year.

El Palacio (Palace)

Beyond the ball court is the Palace and a number of residential rooms, workshops and other plataforms are ranged around a series of plazas.

Plaza Principal (Main Plaza)

It is formed by a group of temples and other monumental buildings used by the ruling class and it was built on an enormous artificial mound. There are two pyramidal structures in the middle of the plaza.

Pirámide de las Serpientes Emplumadas (Pyramid of the Plumed Serpents)

This is the most remarkable structure in the Main Plaza, a great example of the magnificent artist work of Xochicalco's artisans with the four facades sculpted in high relief with representations of enormous plumed serpents, the famous god Quetzalcoatl; with a very distinctive appearance because of the excellent proportions of its sloping base and the projecting panel with a flared cornice. The cornice is decorated with a ridge of shells.


The other important construction in the Main Plaza is the Acropolis built on a six meters high platform, is formed of a series of buildings laid out on variations of a central patio with lateral rooms.

Conjunto Este (East Group)

In this complex there is a Ball Game; the Animal Ramp, made up of 255 slabs with representations of animals; and the Central Complex, with a polychrome altar, a complex temascal and a cistern to store rainwater.

Conjunto Oeste (West Group)

In this group there is an observatory, a cave modified to allow study of the movement of the sun. The cave was covered with stucco and painted in red, black and yellow. The Xochiclaco Observatory is one of the four most studied in Mesoamerica, along with that of Monte Albán and the two of Teotihuacán. The chimney built in the roof of the artificial large cave at Xochicalco, known as “Cave of the astronomers”, has been interpreted as a solar zenithal observation. The tube is over forty centimeters (sixteen inches) wide and descends for more than five meters (sixteen feet). The effect of the midday sun shining down the tube is spectacular, sending a vertical beam of bright sunlight down into the dark cave.

Xochicalco Site Museum

The museum is housed in a modern building. It has six exhibition rooms with an interesting display of the pieces found in the archaeological zone. In addition, the museum organizes activities, workshops, conferences, courses and theater.


It is located 40 km (22-mile) from Cuernavaca, between the municipalities of Temixco and Miacatlán, Morelos.


Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 to 17:00 hrs.

