
Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán

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Arqueología Campeche

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Central Mexico

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Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán

Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca

Arqueología Chihuahua

Arqueología Campeche

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Cultural Heritage registered in 1996 on the World Heritage List by UNESCO.

The present name is derived from Oxmal, meaning “three times built.”

It is one of the greatest archeological sites in all of Mesoamerica both for its proportions and for its majestic buildings decorated with precision and elegance.

Its origin can be traced back to 500 B.C and according to the chronicles found after the Spanish conquest, it was founded by Ahcuitok Tutul Xiu. Uxmal and other surrounding Puuc sites flourished in the Late Classic Period (around 600-900 A.D), it appears Uxmal could have supported 30,000 people at its peak, when this city dominated economically and politically a vast territory of the region. Around the year 874 A.D Uxmal was conquered by Chichen Itza and from that date began its decline.


In the late classical period, the Xiu arrived in this area and Uxmal created his own architectural style known as Late Puuc, this style is characterized by including an outstanding element, the representation of Kukulcán or Quetzalcoatl as a snake.

An incredible laser light show takes place in the Nunnery Quadrangle every night.

Within the area there is a Hall where temporary photographic exhibitions are made with various themes.


Must see Buildings

The main ruins of Uxmal cover about 150 acres and the layout of the buildings reveals an accurate knowledge of astronomy. en un área de 2 kilómetros y están agrupadas en 15 grupos.

Unlike most other pre-Hispanic settlements, Uxmal is not laid out geometrically, it is organized according to the topography of the site and to the astronomical phenomena, such as the rising and setting of Venus.

Casa del Adivino o del Enano (Pyramid of the Magician or the Pyramid of the Dwarf)

The pyramid stands 38 m (117 feet) high and was constructed on an elliptical base, unusual among Maya structures. The pyramid was built on five superimposed temples, since it was a common practice in Mesoamerica to build new temple pyramids atop older ones. Atop there is a temple, to have access you need to climb 150 steps flanked by Chaac masks, the god of rain.

The structure is featured in one of the best-known tales of Yucatec Maya folklore, "el enano del Uxmal" (the dwarf of Uxmal), challenged to build this pyramid in one evening, and that is the origin of the name.

Cuadrángulo de las Monjas (Nunnery Quadrangle)

The name related with nuns was assigned in the 16th century because the 74 small rooms that face the inner courtyard resembled a convent. It is 75 m (246 feet) long and 45 m (148 feet) wide courtyard surrounded by four palaces built on a different level and with a unique ornate façade on each one. The decoration includes Chac masks, serpents, pillars, with jaguars, owls, human figures and lattice work. al más puro estilo Puuc, ya que los muros inferiores son lisos y los superiores están ricamente ornamentados con figuras geométricas, jaguares, búhos, figuras humanas, serpientes y mascarones de Chaac.

Palacio del Gobernador (Palace of the Governor)

It was built on a platform with steps and it is 97.5 m (320 feet) long, 8 m (26 feet) wide and 15.2 m (50 feet) tall. This 24 room building is one of the best example of Puuc architecture in existence, with an astonishing decoration of beautiful mosaics made with more than 20 thousand stones specially created to depict serpents, lattices and masks. The central doorway is in perfect alignment with Venus. de tres terrazas con escalones y tiene 97.5 m de largo, 8 m de ancho y 15,2 m de alto. Este edificio de 24 habitaciones es uno de los mejores ejemplos de la arquitectura Puuc que existe, con una sorprendente decoración de hermosos mosaicos creados con más de 20 mil piedras especialmente elaboradas para representar serpientes, celosías y máscaras. La puerta central está en perfecta alineación con Venus.

Casa de las Tortugas (House of the Turtles)

Se ubica Next to the Palace of the Governor is the House of the Turtles, named after the frieze of turtles carved around its cornice. East to the Palace is the Great Pyramid, it was originally nine level high but today part of the pyramid is in poor condition. debió ser parecida a la del Adivino, pero hoy parte de la estructura está en malas condiciones.

Casa de las Palomas (House of the Pigeons)

It is west to the Palace, it gets its name from the intricate façade with its many small apertures which resembles a dovecote. The complex has three courts, each diminishing in size. The structure has a richly decorated lower story, unlike other buildings at Uxmal, this characteristic along with its poorer condition, is why the scholars think this is one of the oldest buildings in the site.

Juego de Pelota (Ball Court)

There is also a ball court but it is in poor condition, as well as a number of other temple-pyramids, quadrangles, and other monuments.

Other Interesting Structures

La Plataforma de los Jaguares, con una escultura de dos jaguares unidos por el tórax, el Templo Sur y el Arco que marca la entrada a la ciudad.


Old Highway to Campeche Km. 78, Santa Elena, Yuc. It is 83 km (one hour) south of Merida and the new toll roads have connected the site with Playa del Carmen in approximately four hours.


Monday to Sunday from 8:00 to 17:00 hrs.


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