
Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán

Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca

Archaeological Sites in Chiapas

Arqueología Campeche

Northern Mexico

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Central Mexico

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Central Mexico

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Southern Mexico

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Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán

Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca

Arqueología Chihuahua

Arqueología Campeche

Northern Mexico

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Central Mexico

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Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

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Cultural Heritage registered in 1987 on the World Heritage List by UNESCO.

This name was given by the Aztecs and means "The place of the gods." Due to the quantity and quality of its monuments, it is one of the most important archaeological remains in the country.

It emerged in the year 150 B.C. and evolved to around 800 A C. when the decline process began. There is evidence that Teotihuacan was a multi-ethnic place (Zapotec, Mixtec, Mayan and later Totonaca).

It was the largest city in ancient Mexico and it is estimated to have had a population of around 100,000 inhabitants at its peak (350-450 A.D.).

Its orthogonal urban grid system defined the city, with a geometric design reflective of Mesoamerican cosmology and there are extraordinary murals.

The city had commercial relations with Monte Albán, Cholula and Matacapan (currently Veracruz), as well as with Kaminaljuyú and Tikal (both in present-day Guatemala).

Furthermore, the amazing thing about the site is that all the buildings are arranged with a geometric and symbolic layout at the same time.


Must see Buildings

The Teotihuacan Pyramids are among the most iconic and well-preserved pyramids in Mexico and the world. These structures were built with enormous stones, some weighing over 200 tons, which were quarried from nearby mountains and transported to the site using an unknown method.

The archaeological zone currently covers 264 ha. with various groups of structures and monuments.

The whole city of Teotihuacán seems to be aligned astronomically. It is consistently oriented 15 to 25 degrees east of true north, and the front wall of the Pyramid of the Sun is exactly perpendicular to the point on the horizon where the sun sets on the equinoxes and beside, the Avenue of the Dead points at the setting of the Pleiades.

Calzada de los Muertos (Avenue of the Dead)

It is roughly 40 meters wide and 4 km long and is the city's axis flanked by temples, palaces and houses of important people.

Pirámide del Sol (Pyramid of the Sun)Pirámide del Sol (Pyramid of the Sun)

Con With a height of 66 meters (216 feet), is the largest structure in the site, and one of the largest structures of its type in the Western hemisphere. Below the pyramid there is a system of cave and tunnel chambers which it is believed gave it its special significance as this was symbolic of the womb. y una altura de 66 m, suele compararse con la pirámide de Keops en Egipto, es la estructura más grande del sitio y una de las estructuras más grandes de su tipo en el hemisferio occidental. Debajo de la pirámide hay un sistema de cámaras de cuevas y túneles que, según se cree, le dieron un significado especial ya que representaban de manera simbólica el útero, es decir el nacimiento.

Pirámide de la Luna (Pyramid of the Moon)

Tiene With a height is 45 meters (138 feet), the first large structure built in Teotihuacán. Excavations beneath the pyramid have revealed sacrificial burials with a wide variety of offerings including human skeletons, animal bones, jewellery and obsidian blades, among many other items.. Es la primera gran estructura construida en Teotihuacán. Las excavaciones debajo de la pirámide han revelado entierros de sacrificio con una amplia variedad de ofrendas que incluyen esqueletos humanos, huesos de animales, joyas y cuchillas de obsidiana, entre muchos otros artículos.

Ciudadela (Citadel)

This is a 400 meters complex at the southern end of the Avenue of the Dead. The large square courtyard covering 15 hectares is surrounded by temples with political and religious purposes. This structure became the political, cultural and economic center of the city of Teotihuacán.

Templo de Quetzalcoatl (Temple of the Feathered Serpent)

It is decorated with mosaics made with stones and they were once painted in hematite red; there are also numerous stone heads of the deity Quetzalcóatl. Inside the pyramid there were found more than 200 ceremonially buried skeletons of warriors.

Palacio de Quetzalpapalotl (Palace of the Quetzal Butterfly)

On the South West corner of the Plaza of the Moon is this elegant Palace, a beautiful stepped structure complex with paintings, cut stone relief carvings and attractively painted roof ornaments with geometric designs. The columns on the inner courtyard have images of Quetzalpapalotl, a mythical creature, a combination butterfly and feathers. It is believed that it was the place where the high priests lived.

Patio de los Jaguares (Patio of the Jaguars)

Inside the structure there are murals showing jaguars and some frescoes, as well as some ornamentation made with seashells and feathers.

Museo de la Cultura Teotihuacana (Teotihuacan Culture Museum)

South of the Pyramid of the Sun is this intersting museum.

Here you will learn about the history of this important archaeological site. It exhibits more than 600 pieces such as: ceramic, bones, textiles, rocks of various types.

It has a spectacular view of the Pyramid of the Sun that can be seen behind the complete model of the city.

Museo de Murales Teotihuacanos, Beatriz de la Fuente

This is another museum in the site, with a wide collection of restored murals along with detailed explanations.

Additionally the museum displays a varied collection of carved stone, ceramic and obsidian pieces.

The most interesting thing is that in the museum the visitor can come into contact with the cosmogonic vision of this enigmatic culture.


It is located 48 km, approximately 50 minutes from CDMX, on Federal Highway 132 Ecatepec-Pirámides Km 22+600, Municipality of Teotihuacán, State of Mexico.


Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 to 17:00 hrs.

Hours Museo de Murales: Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 to 17:00 hrs.

