
Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán

Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca

Archaeological Sites in Chiapas

Arqueología Campeche

Northern Mexico

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Central Mexico

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Central Mexico

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Southern Mexico

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Mayan Archaeological Sites in Yucatán

Archaeological Sites in Oaxaca

Arqueología Chihuahua

Arqueología Campeche

Northern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable
Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

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The site is known as "the baths of Nezahualcóyotl".

It was designed by the famous Texcocan king.

The site was inhabit during the Postclassic period (1000 to 1521 A.D.).

Must see Buildings

This place is part of a complex hydraulic system that supplies the springs that are born in the mountains.

The aqueduct transported water over a distance of eight kilometers from springs at the slopes of Mount Tlaloc through the Metecatl Hill to irrigate an extensive area of fountains, gardens and baths carved in the rock.

This marvelous place was design by the philosopher, warrior, architect, poet and ruler Netzahuacoyotl.

You will walk along terraces, hanging gardens and more than 300 rooms until you reach the king's bathroom. This hydraulic works are considered one of the greatest engineering achievements of the pre-Hispanic era. On a flat terrain, the palace was built and there are still 62 steps perfectly carved in rock.

The throne room is also sculpted in the rock.

Other architectural ensembles that are very well preserved and that have been named by the people are: Calzada (Main Street), Baño de la Reina (Bath of the Queen), Palacio (Palace), Baño de las Concubinas (Bath of the Concubines), Plaza de las Danzas (The Plaza for Dancing), El Adoratorio (Shrine), Templo a Tláloc (Temple of Tláloc), Acueducto (Aqueduct), Fountain A and L and Reservoir H.



It is located between the towns of San Nicolás Tlaminca and San Dieguito Xochimanca, State of Mexico, 9 km approximately 20 minutes from Texcoco.


Monday to Sunday from 9:00 to 17:00 hrs.

