Reserva de la Biosfera de Calakmul
Northern Mexico
Central Mexico
Northern Mexico
Central Mexico
Cultural Heritage registered in 2002 on the World Heritage List by UNESCO.
Mixed Cultural and Natural site Heritage registered in 2014 on the World Heritage List by UNESCO.
Protected natural area with an area of 723,185 hectares, it is the largest extension of protected tropical forest in Mexico and is considered the second largest extension of tropical forests in America. y es considerada la segunda mayor extensión de bosques tropicales en América.
Calakmul is home to an important biodiversity sanctuary in Mesoamerica, it constitutes a biological corridor for the passage of species from the north of Yucatan to the south and of species from humid and sub-humid climates of Chiapas and the Petén to the north and the Caribbean.
This region deserves special attention for its great biological diversity that includes nearly 1,100 species of plants with 380 endemic species, highlighting 73 types of wild orchids and precious wood trees. Regarding the fauna of the Reserve, 86 species of mammals have been registered; 358 species of birds, of which around 60 species are migratory; 50 species of reptiles; 400 of butterflies; and in the aguadas, there are 18 native species of fish. cerca de 1,100 especies de plantas con 380 especies endémicas, destacándose 73 tipos de orquídeas salvajes y los árboles de maderas preciosas. En cuanto a la fauna de la Reserva, se han registrado 86 especies de mamíferos; 358 especies de aves, de las cuales alrededor de 60 especies son migratorias; 50 especies de reptiles; 400 de mariposas; y en las aguadas, hay 18 especies nativas de peces.
A lo largo de la región existieron grandes asentamientos como El Ramonal, Xpujil, Becán, Chicanná, Hormiguero y por supuesto Calakmul. De hecho, hay aproximadamente 525 sitios arqueológicos, con 6,250 estructuras, 108 estelas, una muralla de 6 m de altura, un elaborado sistema hidráulico y dos tumbas reales.
Within the reserve you can practice interpretive hiking, bird watching, and, because there are several Mayan communities that have preserved their customs, you can do community tourism and learn more about the elaboration of handicrafts and typical dishes from the area.
Within the reserve there are some hotels and ecovillas, as well as operators that offer ecotourism tours with trained local guides.
- Observing flora and fauna
- Hiking
- Community tourism
Located in the municipality of Calakmul and Holpechén, almost two and a half hours from the city of Campeche.