Espeleologia en Chihuahua
Espeleologia en Chihuahua

Northern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Diving in Cozumel

Surfing in Baja California

Kayak in Campeche

Northern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable


Nombre de Dios Caves

When you enter the cave you will find whimsical shapes reminiscent of famous characters such as Don Quixote de la Mancha, the eagle, or the Tower of Pisa.

They are located just 15 minutes from the center of the City of Chihuahua.

Coyame Caves

Impressive limestone cavities with several galleries where you can see capricious formations of various materials such as crystals of agonite, selenite, marble, calcite and fluorite, among others.

Due to their formations, the halls have names such as the Oriental Hall, the Cascade, The vampire or The Castle.

The caves are located approximately two hours away from the city of Chihuahua.

Speleology in Chihuahua

