Liberacion de Tortugas en Veracruz
Liberacion de Tortugas en Veracruz

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Central Mexico

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Southern Mexico

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Diving in Cozumel

Surfing in Baja California

Kayak in Campeche

Northern Mexico

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Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

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Centro Tortuguero Vida Milenaria in Tecolutla

This turtle center protects and seeks the conservation of the leatherback, hawksbill and green turtles. Between the months of April and August, you can participate in the release of sea turtles.

Barra de Cazones

The Kgayin Xalakpupunu hatchery is in charge of raising and protecting the white, olive ridley and hawksbill turtles. During June, this area becomes one of the main scenarios for the release of small turtles. Located just over two hours from Tecolutla.

El Raudal de las Flores

At the northern limit of the mouth of the Misantla River near Laguna Grande de Vega is the Veracruzano Center for Research and Conservation of the Sea Turtle. The center study, protect, and recover this endangered species. The turtles that arrive on this coast are the Green, the Lora, the Carey, the Caguama and the Laúd. Located in Nautla.

Turtle Releasing in Veracruz

