Cueva Cheve

Cueva Cheve 1
Cueva Cheve 1

Northern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable




Northern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

The area is covered by forests and pine trees. The Chevé system carries water from the peaks near Pápalo until it discharges into the Santo Domingo River Canyon, 19 kilometers to the north. 

The highest segment of the Chevé system consists of Chevé Cave, the main cave of the system, and a series of smaller caves that connect to the main cave. 

Chevé Cave contains 23.5 kilometers of explored passages that end in a massive passage blocked by gigantic rocks on the other side and underwater tubes. 

The waters that fall into the highest entrances travel a distance of more than 7 kilometers vertically until they reach an underwater passage. 

The main entrance of the Chevé System is located at the base of a cliff in Llano Chevé. This plain is an excellent camping site. A stream flows through the plain and the entrance chamber. Baskets, torches, human and animal bones, as well as other ceremonial artifacts, were found, demonstrating that this chamber has been known for at least 700 years. 

Downstream from the entrance chamber, there is a long canyon that leads to the Room of Baskets, named because it contained the remains of several woven mats. The passage continues west to the Room of the Black Elephant. This room is filled with large dark and slippery rocks that make navigation difficult. Marks on the wall and the discovery of artifacts indicate that this room was used for religious ceremonies. 

At the bottom of the caves, there are 2 huge lakes and cave paintings. It is only possible to descend with spelunking equipment.


  • Caving


Located in Concepción Pápalo, 155 km, approximately 3 and a half hours from Oaxaca via Federal Highway 190 to the town of Telixtlahuaca. To reach Chevé Cave from Concepción Pápalo, take the dirt road towards Tlalixtac. 

Cueva Cheve

