Monarch Butterfly Sanctuaries in Michoacán


Northern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable




Northern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

The state presents favorable weather conditions to become the migration site of several species during the winter, highlighting the phenomenon of the Monarch Butterfly. The pine and oyamel forests at an altitude that oscillates between 2,200 and 3,000 meters above sea level are the ideal habitat for their reproduction. 

Year after year, after traveling nearly 4,000 km from southern Canada and the northern United States, around 60 million butterflies arrive in Michoacan lands in mid-November to their hibernation sites and spend several days flying before the buterflies locate the best place to do it, this is not a good month to visit the sanctuary in order not interrupt them in their selection. 

From December to January they establish themselves in colonies for their hibernation and are grouped together forming clusters on the branches of the trees, since in these months the temperature is around 0ºC. From February to March, temperatures are higher and you can see the most active butterflies and watch butterflies in flight mating, drinking water and nectar, preparing for their return to the north. 

Not every year is the same since there may be variations in temperatures.

Responsible Tourist Code

Follow the indications of the local guides and the established paths.

Do not introduce: food, alcoholic beverages, sharp objects, firearms or pets.

Do not take plants, animals, mushrooms or anything that is part of the forest.

No smoking or bonfires.

The access limits for the observation of the butterfly colonies are respected.

Being in the sanctuary remain silent. 

Flash is not used for photographs.

Do not bother, try to take or take away the butterflies.

You cannot stay more than 18 minutes in the sanctuary so that other people can also enjoy this unique natural spectacle.


Monarch Butterfly Sanctuaries in Michoacán

Sierra Chincua

Millions of monarch butterflies arrive from Canada between November and December to the huge oyamel trees of Sierra Chincua, thus becoming the largest sanctuary. For this reason and for its rich biodiversity it is a Special Biosphere Reserve.

It is quite a spectacle to see when the butterflies fly in a spiral over the big trees.

It is located between the mountains of the State of Mexico and Michoacán, it has camping areas, rustic cabins and places that offer the typical blackberry atole and cecina, another regional dish.

El Rosario Sanctuary

Located 10 km from Angangueo can be accessed from a tourist walkway that runs between pines, oyameles and cedars that are covered in butterflies, a unique spectacle. These paths go up to more than 3,000 masl and you have to walk for approximately one hour on a steep path, that is why you must be in good physical condition, but there is the possibility of making the journey on horseback.

It has a museum with projection of videos that talk about monarch butterflies.

At the entrance to the sanctuaries there are some places that offer snacks, drinks and simple food.

Other Sanctuaries

Within the state of Michoacán you can also visit the Ejido Cerro Prieto, while in the State of Mexico there is the Ejido La Mesa in Sierra Campanario with younger oyameles, the Ejido El Capulín in Cerro Pelón and the Ejido San Mateo Almomoloa in Piedra Herrada.

