Templo del Inmaculado Corazon de Maria 1
Templo del Inmaculado Corazon de Maria 1

Northern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable


Mexico City


Northern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Templo del Inmaculado Corazón de María

The Temple of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is also known as the Immaculate Temple and it features Catalan Gothic architectural style. 

Construction began in June 1901 and was completed in 1906, making it one of the last temples built during the Porfiriato period. It was built on the site of another temple constructed by the Jesuits in 1723.

The original church had a nave, a small tower, and a chapel where the Most Holy Mother of Light was housed when she arrived in the city on July 2, 1732. However, it was damaged in a short period of time, leading to the construction of the "Compañía Nueva" in 1744, which is now the Cathedral Basilica of León. 


Calle 20 de Enero No. 208, Col. Centro, León, Gto.

Templo del Inmaculado Corazón de María

