Northern Mexico
Central Mexico
Southern Mexico
Northern Mexico
Central Mexico
Southern Mexico
Museo del Rehilete
The Pinwheel Museum interactive museum has permanent modules where children can touch, play, and learn.
It is divided into five rooms: the art room, the science room, the room about science, our world room, and the technology room.
The museum is named "El Rehilete" after the traditional Mexican toy, which is also a transformative element of energy from a technological point of view. Furthermore, Pachuca is known for its windy climate, hence the nickname "La Bella Airosa" (The Beautiful Windy City).
The "El Rehilete" building was designed and developed to be an interactive museum. The main building is polygonal, with 24 sides and 4 levels accessible through ramps, resembling a mine, which is a characteristic industry of Pachuca for many years.
The themes covered in this space are art, science, technology, our world, discovering my world, dinosaur park, and virtual reality. It also features a pleasant store.
Museo del Rehilete
Boulevard Felipe Ángeles Km 84.5 s/n. Col. Venta Prieta, Pachuca, Hgo.
Tuesday to Sunday, 9:30 to 18:30 hrs.