Historia Acapulco copy
Historia Acapulco copy

History of Guadalajara

History of Mérida

History of Oaxaca

Northern Mexico

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Central Mexico

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Southern Mexico

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History of Guadalajara

History of Mérida

History of Oaxaca

Northern Mexico

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Central Mexico

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Southern Mexico

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Pre-Hispanic Era

Acapulco means "Place of Canes" in Nahuatl. It was founded by the Tlahica Indians about two thousand years ago.

Colonial Era

During the colonial era, Acapulco was chosen by Hernán Cortes to be a place where galleons were built for exploring the southern seas.

In 1565, Fray Andrés de Urdaneta, on his return journey from the Philippines, landed in Acapulco Bay and was the first to sail the route that would become the famous Nao de China or Manila Galleon, for more than 200 years.

The landing of goods from the East was always a cause for celebration with a trade fair, where merchandise was exchanged for products from Spain, Mexico, and Peru.

Pirates began to notice the wealth of these ships, and the bay was repeatedly attacked. To counter this, Adrián Boot built the Fort of San Diego in 1617.

In 1599, King Carlos II of Spain granted Acapulco the status of a city.

War of Independence

In 1811, during the War of Independence, José Maria Morelos attempted to seize Fort San Diego, but without success. During the French intervention, Acapulco was considered a strategic point, although the navy remained there for only three days.


History of Acapulco

Modern Era

In 1927, the Federal Government paved the road between Mexico and Acapulco, and in 1928, an airport was built. The presidential term of Miguel Alemán gave a great boost to the port, constructing the main avenue that runs along the entire bay, now known as Costera Miguel Alemán Avenue.

The port began to grow from Caleta to Hornos, and this area became the center of activities during the 1950s. Since then, the city has expanded eastward and is now considered one of the most famous tourist destinations in the world.



