Grutas de Bustamante (Bustamante Caves)

Northern Mexico
Central Mexico
Northern Mexico
Central Mexico
These are beautiful caves, mostly unexplored, also known as Palmito Caves because palmetto grows abundantly here, a plant used to make basketry crafts.
Geologists estimate that they formed approximately 60 million years ago and these caves were once submerged in the Tetis Sea, which is why it's not difficult to find marine fossils, snails, or shells.
Access is through a corridor about 100 m long, which has several doors to protect the humidity and conditions inside the caves.
The illuminated tour covers 500 m, but the caves extend for kilometers, in fact, they haven't been fully explored. This section has a corridor from which you can observe the wonderful rock formations. Additionally, you can also partially see the central lagoon.
The temperature inside is usually around 18ºC.
Monday to Sunday from 11:00 to 21:00 hrs.
- Caving
- Hiking
Located 107 km from Monterrey and 4 km from the main town of Bustamante.
Grutas de Bustamante (Bustamante Caves)