The most delicious food in Puebla
The most delicious food in Guanajuato
The most delicious food in Morelos
Northern Mexico
Central Mexico
Gastronomy and typical cuisine in Querétaro
The most delicious food in Puebla
Gastronomía de Yucatán
Northern Mexico
Central Mexico
The gastronomy is another attraction in Huautla.
You can enjoy the exquisite pan de burro (sourdough bread made with lard and brown sugar), the exquisite huevos con hierba santa, the beef and goat broth, barbacoa de chivo (spicy goat meat), pipían con huevo duro (boiled egg with pumpkin seed sauce) and the scrambled eggs with sauce of epazote, hoja santa, chile canario and onion.
Other regional delicacies are "tesmole" which is a stew with various types of meat with a thick because corn dough is added; or the "pilte", which can be made from pork or chicken with a sauce made with hoja santa and tomato and is wrapped in a banana leaf.
Of course, you can also savor some delicious bean, corn, mole or tesmole tamales.
Sour atole is the quintessential Mazatec drink made with fermented corn, pipián, and beans. Other regional drinks are granillo atole, chileatole (thick soup made of corn masa), sweet atole, aguardiente de caña (liquor made from sugar cane) and chilacayote water.
You must try the excellent high altitude coffee of this region, and enjoy a rich and aromatic coffee.
Gastronomy and typical cuisine in Huautla de Jiménez
“Pilte de Pollo” Recipe
- 1 chicken cut into pieces and clean
- ½ kilo of tomato
- 4 leaves of hoja santa
- 8 cloves of garlic
- 1 onion
- 3 serrano chiles
- 2 guajillo chiles
- banana leaves
- salt to taste
Boiled garlic, onion, chilies and tomatoes. Blend the previously ingredients with the hoja santa leaves.
Fry the sauce in lard, season with salt and remove from heat. Add the raw chicken pieces.
Cut the banana leaves and pass them through the hot griddle and put two pieces of chicken with the sauce on each double leaf.
Wrap and tie, being careful not to let the sauce come out.
Cook in a steamer in a bain-marie for two hours.