Espeleologia en Taxco
Espeleologia en Taxco

Northern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Diving in Cozumel

Surfing in Baja California

Kayak in Campeche

Northern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Grutas de Cacahuamilpa National Park

Located half an hour from Taxco is considered one of the largest caves in the world with 2700 hectares. They have a group of 20 caverns with huge calcareous structures. The caves are open to the public and the tour covers 2 km and lasts approximately two hours, visiting more than 90 rooms that are illuminated to highlight the extravagant geological formations.

For lovers of speleology, these caves offer other challenges, there are tunnels that go from 30 to 70 m (98 to 230 ft) and an incredible underground river, the Chontalcoatlán. To get to the cave where the underground tour begins, you have to rappel 30 m (98 ft) down a large ravine located on one side of the river. Once inside you will marvel at a surreal paradise of whimsical stone formations.

Cueva de Agua Brava

The Agua Brava Cave offers a peculiar tour, since the cave is formed almost entirely by mud, which makes it unique in Mexico. It has a narrow entrance and the route begins by crawling and moving little by little through the soft mud. Then continue through a maze of tunnels and galleries with slippery walls in the middle of knee-deep puddles of mud to reach a contrasting lagoon of crystal clear water where you can cool off.

Gruta de Zacatecolotla

A few minutes from Taxco in the town of Zacatecolotla within the Sierra de Guerrero, another interesting cave is located, which is recommended for experienced people. The Zacatecolotla Grotto is on a hill that communicates with the marble grotto. The main cavern is connected to secondary tunnels, which are accessed with three rappel descents, the largest is 90 m (295 ft). You also have to cross a waterfall to reach a narrow and long cavern with extraordinary crystal formations. To see the full extent of the cave you have to camp inside the cave next to an underground lagoon. There are some speleo-diving expeditions that continue trying to discover other galleries after the siphon that is at the end of the cave.

Caving in Taxco

