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Qué comprar en Metepec

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Northern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Qué comprar en Campeche

Qué comprar en Metepec

Qué comprar en Michoacán

Northern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable


Villahermosa has become one of the most important cities in the southeast of the country. It also has a wide variety of tourist attractions, so its commercial infrastructure is quite good. There are several shopping centers like:

  • Plaza Altabrisa

This is the largest shopping mall in the city. It has three department stores, several stores with internationally recognized brands, movie theaters, and several restaurants.

  • Galerías Tabasco

This is another large shopping mall in Villahermosa. It has a department store and several stores of important brands, as well as some restaurants.

  • Plaza Sendero Villahermosa

It is a comfortable shopping plaza with a department store, a large grocery store, and some shops offering clothing, footwear, and sports items. It also has movie theaters and some restaurants.

Shopping in Villahermosa

  • Plaza Deportiva y Plaza Crystal

The two shopping centers are next to each other and have a department store, a grocery store, movie theaters and a fast food area.

  • Plaza de Las Américas

This shopping mal is in the downtown area and has a department store, a grocery store, some major brands shops, movie theaters, and restaurants.

In Villahermosa you can buy wood carved ornaments, pottery, embroidery, palm objects, stone figurines and saddlery.

You can also find the traditional Tabasco jícara that is used to drink chocolate. The name come from the raw material used to produce it, a tree known as Jícaro, a calabash tree. The cup or bowl with a wide mouth and a rounded bottom is usually beautifully decorated.

Of course, if you are going to take a jícara, you have to buy a good chocolate from Tabasco, the first producer of cocoa in Mexico. Whether a handmade chocolate or modeled in unique shapes like an Olmec head, the experience of tasting a chocolate from this region is incomparable.

