Qué comprar en Campeche

Qué comprar en Metepec

Qué comprar en Michoacán

Northern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Qué comprar en Campeche

Qué comprar en Metepec

Qué comprar en Michoacán

Northern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Central Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable

Southern Mexico

Menú desplegable personalizable


Cozumel has an attractive shopping center:

  • Punta Langosta

It is the most important shopping mall in Cozumel and is across from the downtown cruise-ship dock. This modern open air mall encompasses a food court, jewellery shops, souvenir shops, movie theaters and attractive bars and restaurants. 

Shopping in Cozumel is a real pleasure. Here you can stroll along the beachfront where you will find a wide variety of shops that offer jewelry, handicrafts, clothing, and attractive souvenirs.

In the main plaza there is also a diversity of shops and the Craft Market offering colorful pieces from all over the country, although the Mayan figures made by local artists are an authentic artisanl treasure.

Remember you can enjoy the Duty Free modality in the perfumery and jewelry. Precisely at the zocalo of San Miguel in the field of jewelry, in Cozumel you can find bracelets, earrings and necklaces made with silver, gold, gems and of course black coral.


Shopping in Cozumel
